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SHE’S DONE: Kamala Harris’ 10 Dirty Secrets Come Falling Out Of The Closet [VIDEO]


Liberals everywhere are drooling all over themselves over the possibility of a first “black” woman as vice president of the United States.

But unfortunately for Trump-hating socialist Kamala Harris, some skeletons from her past have just fallen out of her closet in the form of some unfortunate truths about her background and her political antics.

No doubt liberals will want to keep these dirty little secrets buried in an effort to get their crazy commie duo elected this November!!! Dirty secret #8 will absolutely floor you!!!

1. Harris would not be a Vice President for ALL Americans

You might as well just scrap the part of the Constitution about “all men being created equal” if this woman gets into the White House. She’s already floating the idea for tax-funded reparations to black people. So if you’re white, you’ll be giving a way a chunk of your income because your ancestors were evil white people.. and you probably are too!!!

2. She is extremely racist towards white people

Harris recently endorsed a website that is drenched in white hate called the Minnesota freedom Fund. Fox News reported that this website promotes “a bail fund group that posted bail for multiple alleged violent criminals, including an alleged murderer and a previously convicted rapist.” The website then goes on to trash our criminal justice system, as a system that was “designed to maintain and uphold white supremacy.”

3. Her own father says she’s a liar and a fraud

Harris’ father, David J. Harris, revealed in a recent oped that his daughter is a liar and a fraud. Mr. Harris said that his daughter has disgraced her family by pushing a “fraudulent stereotype” to say that she had smoked marijuana because she is part Jamaican, according to the news website Jamaica Global Online.

Mr. Harris, who is a professor at Stanford University, went on to say that her entire family would be ashamed of her and must be rolling in their graves if they were still alive:

“My dear departed grandmothers (whose extraordinary legacy I described in a recent essay on this website), as well as my deceased parents, must be turning in their grave right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics,” he said.

4. She doesn’t care about sexually abused women

Let’s take a little trip back in time to last year, when a whole lot of women had come out and accused Biden of inappropriately touching and kissing them.

Harris came out swinging at Biden, telling reporters that she believed these women’s stories, even commending the victims for having the courage to come forward with their stories.

“I believe them, and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it,” the California senator told reporters in April 2019.

(So she either doesn’t care about sexually abused women, or she lied about Joe Biden. So which is it, Kamala? We would love to hear your response!!!)

5. She isn’t even black!!

As the Left gushes over Joe Biden’s “black” woman VP pick, an unfortunate fact is surfacing about her ancestry.

She doesn’t even have a SINGLE DROP of African-American blood!! Her dad is Jamaican and her mom is an Indian! Sorry liberals! (Hey, isn’t it rather racist to call someone a black person just to further your political agenda?)

6. She’s been throwing black people in jail since the 1980’s

Kamala Harris has spent her career in law enforcement, as both the district attorney of Alameda County, San Francisco, and as the Attorney General.

And as the “top cop” of California, black website Afropunk reveals that Harris has spent a career in “terrorizing Black communities through the prison industrial complex and she has consistently shown herself to be an enemy to the masses of Black people.”

California not only has the highest arrest rate of blacks in the nation, but Harris also failed to support body cameras for police, “while also opposing legislation that would require her office to independently investigate police shootings.”

She even defended the 3 strikes law that led to the incarceration of many non-violent black criminals, and also supported the death penalty, where reveals has led to the execution hundreds of innocent black people.

(Hmmmm…Doesn’t seem like Harris really cares for black people, if you want to strictly go off of her record as a cop.)

7. Harris has an unbelievable stance on babies born alive who survive abortion

Back in February of last year, Harris was one of the Senate Democrats who “blocked a Republican bill that would have threatened prison time for doctors who don’t try saving the life of infants born alive during failed abortions, leading conservatives to wonder openly whether Democrats were embracing ‘infanticide’ to appeal to left-wing voters,” Fox News reported. 

President Trump was astonished over what Senate Democrats did, saying that their blocking of the bill “will be remembered as one of the most shocking votes in the history of Congress.” Trump went on to say that “if there is one thing we should all agree on, it’s protecting the lives of innocent babies.”

8. She descended from Jamaican plantation slave owners

There’s one enormous secret that liberals want to keep hidden, and that is the unfortunate fact that Harris comes from a “legacy of slave owners.” Dinesh D’Souza was a guest on Fox News last week, and dropped the absolute bombshell about Harris’ dirty little secret. Dinesh reported:

“African-American in the American context generally means having a direct relationship to the experiences of slavery and segregation and Jim Crow so on. Very interestingly, Kamala Harris’ father, Donald, a Stanford professor, wrote an article in a Jamaican magazine several years ago, claiming, in fact sort of boasting, that he was descended from one of the largest slave owners in Jamaica, a fellow named Hamilton Brown.

The point I want to make and the reason this is interesting is because there’s been this effort in the Democratic Party and on the left to eradicate all connections to the slave plantation. And the point I’m trying to make is that Kamala Harris seems to be descended less from the legacy of, let’s say, Frederick Douglass, than she is from the legacy of the plantation itself. “

9. Harris is lacking in morality department

After dealing with Hillary Clinton’s antics for the past 40 years, where the trail of dead bodies keep piling up, you’d hope that Democrats would at least elect a woman with a bit of morals.

But it appears that Harris slept her way to top, getting her start in politics by having an affair in her 20’s with San Francisco’s 60-year-old mayor, Willie Brown, who was a married man at the time!!! Brown isn’t even shy about taking credit for Harris’ successful career either. In a recent interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, he bragged:

“I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my ‘relationship’ with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned,” he said.

“Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commission when I was Assembly speaker.

“And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco,” he said in the story on Feb. 1, 2019 in the San Francisco Chronicle.

10. She’s a cop!!!

While we love and support cops here at AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS, we know how much the left loathes law and order, where their call to defund the police has reached a fever-pitch recently. Proving once again how completely dumb and absurdly out-of-touch they are with their own voting base, they’ve now chosen a cop to be vice president of the United States!

On top of these 10 points, Harris is an absolute nightmare for the economy!!!

Harris is an absolute perfect running mate for crazy Joe, as she’s just as radical and far left as he is. We learned everything we need to learn about this woman during the presidential primaries, where she made it no mystery where she stands politically, unabashedly aligning herself with the Democratic Party’s far-left “democratic socialist” wing.

She shares Biden’s zeal for tax hikes, echoing Biden’s vow to eliminate President Trump’s massive tax cuts for middle-income Americans.

“On Day One, we’re going to repeal that tax bill that benefited the top 1 percent and corporations,” Harris bowed last year, promising to scrap President Trump’s job-creating middle-class tax cuts.

Good grief!! This woman would be an absolute nightmare for America!

We need to do everything we can to ensure that Trump gets reelected in November. Please help get the word out about Kamala Harris’ dirty little secrets by sharing this article!

And please remember to keep President Trump in your prayers each day, as his safety continues to be a very great concern for the future of our country.

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