histats Texas 2024 Poll Shows Massive Switch – And Trump and Biden Can’t Believe It – Conservatives News

Texas 2024 Poll Shows Massive Switch – And Trump and Biden Can’t Believe It


It’s no secret that part of the left’s long-term plan is to flip red states blue. They’ve been successful, in part, to do this in some states. A long time ago, California was a strong, conservative state. So was Illinois. As was Arizona.

Their biggest prize is perhaps one of the strongest red states in the country. But one that has a growing liberal presence, especially in its state capital.

Democrats might be hoping to flip this state in the next election—it would be a major blow to the GOP and a huge victory for the radical left. But a new report is not giving liberals much hope. In fact, this latest report suggests that thanks to Biden, the state is getting redder.

From Fox News:
Former President Donald Trump leads President Biden in the race for Texas’ 40 electoral votes by double his margin of victory in the Lone Star State four years ago, according to a new poll…

According to the Marist poll, which was conducted March 18-21, the former president leads his successor in the White House by 11 points (55%-44%) among registered voters.

“Independents, who Biden carried by 6-percentage points in 2020, now break for Trump. Trump receives 56% of Texas independents to 41% for Biden,” the release from Marist highlights.

Trump enjoys a larger lead in Texas than what he had in 2020. Trump won the state by 5.5 points in the last election. According to a Marist poll, he is leading Biden by 11 points, 55-44.

Independents are siding with Trump over Biden. He is enjoying 56% of Texas independents, as Biden is underwater with 41%.

Signs suggest Texas is becoming more conservative, in reaction to Biden’s mismanagement and failures. Communities along the Texas border have long voted liberal, due in part to their large Hispanic populations. But the raging border crisis, which puts these communities at risk, has soured many voters against Democrats.

Texas knows full well how badly Biden is governing. The state is suffering the brunt of Biden’s willful neglect of the border. It has had to devote resources just to stem the tide of millions of migrants flooding the state.

It’s unknown how Biden thinks he can take Texas. No doubt, he will use abortion as a top issue. Texas is a pro-life state that has banned the practice. But if Biden thinks he can win over enough voters in Texas over that issue, he is sorely mistaken.

Not when he is letting millions of outsiders take Texans’ jobs and put families in danger.

Source: Fox News

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